Yvonne Watts

I have loved textile related crafts since I was a child. The women in my family were constantly making all things sewn, knitted or crocheted. I feel very lucky to have had that example to follow because my own textile journey has brought me so much pleasure.

Whilst I have always been creative, I didn’t really start to develop my textile practice until I went to City Lit towards the end of my teaching career. Although I love all kinds of stitch, I now work mainly with dye and print. My inspiration comes from nature, and plants, in particular. I try to draw or photograph foliage wherever I see it. I then use these images to create an imagined composition for printing onto silk with polychromatic dye. I use Proceon dyes which when mixed together can be incredibly mercurial. This presents many challenges and often results in failure but when it succeeds it is a very exciting process.

Working with young children for many years has also been a source of inspiration as I’m fascinated by the way they draw and paint. I have recently worked with fabric and paper to create a series of 3D pieces which I think have some origin in the imaginative style so characterist of children’s artwork.

Vessels made from fabric and paper

I really enjoy being part of a textile group and it has certainly made me challenge myself to create my best work yet!


Worn, textiles2020, Espacio Gallery, London, October 2023
Fishy Tales
(a collaborative project), Festival of Quilts, NEC Birmingham, August 2023
Stories in Stich, textiles2020. Espacio Gallery, London, April 2022
textiles2020: the show, Espacio Gallery, London, December 2020
In Transition, Group Show, City Lit, Feb-March 2020
Construction Sites, Group Show, City Lit, July 2019

Instagram: @yvonnewatts9155